JAN/FEB 2005


The exhibition of Master Photographers from the 19th and 20th Century continues through February 28, 2005 . During the museum’s Holiday Open house, the collectors Dr. Rick Burns and wife Cindy greeted by over 160 members, guests, and interested artists from the community. In a follow-up gallery talk on December 9, Dr. Rick Burns discussed the evolution of their collection over the past eleven years. The collector will give a final talk in February and discuss his use of photography in his travels and some of the famous works which have inspired him.
Take the time this winter to visit and browse the museum at your leisure, take in the photography exhibit and watch the video, “The Roots of California Photographers: The Monterey Legacy” . This film highlights the unique vision of photographers, Henry Gilpin, Edward Weston, Ansel Adams, Wynn Bullock, and others represented in the Burns’ collection and can be played on request.

HAPPY NEW YEAR from the Director! 
As we end our year-long celebration of the Midwest Museum of American Art’s first 25 years, I thank each and every one for your enthusiasm and support of the arts. The past few months have been filled wil exhibitions and events that connect us in a wonderful and powerful way. Tn the post-September 11 world, our museum looked at our relevance to a rapidly changing nation and have sought to bring eshibits that define our unique culture. Art can and should unite us so that together we can experience the imagination, vision and passion of the rich cultural climate we live in.
We have lost many art patrons in our museum family over the last few years. They are and will be missed and we are continually looking for new members and patrons. The Midwest Museum has incredible supportive Docents and volunteers who are committed to make us a priority in your charitable giving. The museum is proud of our distinguished past and eager for our flourinshing future. 

BUS TRIP to Chicago on January 25
Jacqueline Kennedy: The Whie House Years & MACHU PICCHU: Unveiling the Mystery of the Incas at The Field Museum

Join us on the Midwest Museum’s first educational bus excursion of the New Year as we venture to Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History to see two major exhibitions! The chartered motorcoach will continue on to the Art Institute of Chicago where passengers can opt to have lunch on their own or walk to nearby restaurants. This special bus trip will take place on Tuesday, January 25. 
FEE: $50. includes delux motorcoach and admissions. 
Call for reservations at 293-6660. Fees are due immediatly upon reservation. 

Mixed Media from the Heart
Handmade Valentines:
A Family Workshop 

Give a gift from the heart. The Midwest Museum will cponsor its annual Family Workshop for Handmade Valentines to be held on Saturday, February 5, from 1:30pm to 3:30pm . The instructor for this year’s workshop will be the very enthusiastic artist Pat Bovo . Valentines will be created of found objects, collage material and personal memorabilia. One new idea introduced will be how to make a simple “pop-up” valentine! The workshop is geared for children ages 5 to 12 years of age, to be accompanied by a parent(s), grandparent(s), or an adult friend who will assist the student(s).
Anyone wishing to attend should bring along bits of old lace, ribbon, dried flowers, photographs of family or friends or anything for that personal touch; however some materials will be provided. The fee for this workshop is $10 per person . Enrollment is limited. Please call the museum at 293-6660 to register.

Baker & Daniels
Bank One
Barnes & Thornburg
Beck Corporation
Elkhart Brass Mfg. Co., Inc.
Elkhart County Convention and Visitors Bureau
Elkhart Evening Optimist Club, Inc.
Gaska Tape, Inc.
Heart City Kiwanis
Kappa Kappa Kappa – Alpha Rho
Kappa Kappa Kappa – gamma
Key Bank
Lake City Bank
Meridian Title
Merrill Lynch
National City Bank
Pearl Design Associates
PSI IOTA XI Sorority
Rollie Williams Paint Spot
Seifert Drug Store, Inc.
Taigmarks Inc.
Corson Family Foundation, Inc.
Elkhart County Community Foundation
Rex & Alice A. Martin Foundation

The Midwest Museum of American Art gratefully acknowledges gifts in honor or in memory of special friends. Notes of acknowledgment are sent by the Museum to those honored or to the families of those memorialized. Recent memorials and donations to specific funds include: 
Johnnie Balser (by Jane Burns)
Jeanne Batten (by John & Bonnie Aquino, James & Judith Albarella, Garry & Roni Balthes, Martha Ball, Stuart & Trudy Basquin, Jane Burns, Brian & Lisa Byrn, Jan Cawley, Tom & Dot Corson, Wendell & Marty Culp, Barbara Harriger, Gunther & Barbara Jordan, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kirk, Ken & Eleanore Koppin, Barbara Naranche & Anne Reel, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Putnam, Robert & Peggy Weed, Joe & Barb Winer)
Julius Burke (by Mr. & Mrs. Kennard Weaver)
Ruth Conant (by M. Joane Orcutt, Patricia See, Paul & Betty Thomas)
Marjorie Freese (by Jeanne Batten, Jane Burns, Dorothy Hemphill, Dick & Anne Treckelo)
Patricia S. Gorham (by Jane burns)
Joseph F. Tulley (by Paul & Betty Thomas)

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