Plan Your Visit
Wednesday – Friday 11:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday 1:00pm – 5:00pm
The Museum will be closed each Thursday from 12:15-1:15 PM for our Noon Time Talk. No admittance to the museum by the public will be allowed until the talk has concluded.
Closed all Mondays, Tuesdays, and Holidays. Certain Galleries may be closed for the installation of new exhibits.
The Midwest Museum of American Art will be closed on these dates:
$10 Adults
$6 Ages 8-12
$8 Ages 13-18
$8 College Students (with ID)
Half Off Admission
During Noontime Talks
every Thursday (noon to 1:00 PM)
The Museum will be closed each Thursday from 12:15-1:15 PM for our Noon Time Talk. No public admittance to the museum is allowed until the talk has concluded.

Photo Policy
In order to protect and preserve our cultural legacy we politely ask you not to photograph any works of art. Some works of art are on extended loan or special loan to temporary exhibits from private sources. For us to remain in compliance with those who have loaned artwork to the Midwest Museum of American Art photographing works of art is not permitted. In some cases, special permission may be granted to students & educators. Please feel free to inquire with Museum Staff.
No flash and no tripods or selfie-sticks are allowed.
Photographers are responsible for securing necessary copyright permission.
Individuals or institutions desiring publication-quality photographs should submit such requests to the Midwest Museum of American Art Director or Curator. Images maintained on this website are subject to copyright restrictions and/or licensing agreements with the Midwest Museum of American Art. Please acknowledge your use to our staff beforehand or request permission for publishing other than for educational purposes