SEP/OCT 2003


Two Concurrent Exhibitions in conjunction with the Michiana Museum Consortium Project
Eight museums and galleries have formed an alliance to present a (second) Michiana Museum Consortium Project entitled “Exhibiting Identity”. Together over 30 exhibits and educational programs will be offered during the Fall. The Midwest Museum will present two exhibits which explore the role of portraiture in American Art. Both will be on display beginning September 5th through October 12th, 2003 and are graciously sponsored by KEY BANK.
~AMERICAN PORTRAITS – from the Permanent Collection
This exhibit of 20 works drawn from the museum’s holding will enhance the already 30 works of portraiture on display in it’s historical survey. Some never before seen paintings, lithographs and drawings by a select group of America’s most important artists, along with works by the some of the area’s most renowned painters, will explore the presentation of individuals as art. Portraits of political power, genealogical record, local historical figures and the entrepreneurial spirit will some together in an interesting blend of faces and places.
~GENETIC PASSAGES -The Genotype/Phenotype Portraits by HELEN DONIS-KELLER
The adventure of art or science could mean two divergent paths, but in the case of artist Helen Donis-Keller, it is a marriage of importance. Teaching both Biology & Art as a Professor for the experimental Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering in Needham, Massachusetts, Donis-Keller has created an astounding body of work, untilizing her skills as a graphic designer, weaver, painter, collagist and biologist/researcher in the area of the human genome. The artist states, “My work as an artist and scientist investigates the complex relationship between the genetic potential of an individual and the biological, social and environmental forces that act upon this inherited component over time.” The “Helen Heads” appear as digitized, colorful abstractions which begin as enlargements of the artist’s Sam’s Club identity card. Through manipulation, Donis-Keller achieves remarkable variations which are the visual metaphor of the genetic potenial of an individual versus the observable self, influenced by environment.
For more information about other exhibits and educational programming for EXHIBITING IDENTITY, visit this special website:

YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND…a Special Reception and Meet the Artist HELEN DONIS-KELLER on Sunday afternoon, September 14th, 2003 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm, Gallery talk @ 2:00pm.

25th Elkhart Juried Regional – the largest awards show in the state!
Members, Guests and Artists are invited to attend the OPENING RECEPTION for the “25th Elkhart Juried Regional”!
October 17th, 2003…from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
The 25th Elkhart Juried Regional exhibition opens on Friday, October 17th and will continue through Sunday, November 30th, 2003. This year the total awards to be given to artists will be $21,000.00 with the $1,000.00 Best of Show Award donated in memory of the late Alice Skoglund. A special Memorial Purchase Award in honor of Louise J. Anes will be selected for the museum’s permanent collection for the tenth consecutive year. This marks the first year for the Mary Feddersen Memorial Purchase Award for Photography sponsored by the Progress Club of Elkhart. The museum staff and trustees are grateful to the families and friends for assisting in the growth of the collection while honoring the memory of these three individuals.
In addition to the above families and organization, many individuals and corporations help to make the Elkhart Juried Regional the largest (monetary awards) competition of it’s kind including the following Purchase Award Sponsors: Ira Anes and family, South Bend; Tom and Dottie Arnold, Elkhart; Baker & Daniels, Elkhart; Billings Funeral Home, Elkhart; David and Julie Bird, Elkhart; Steve Bollero, Elkhart; Liz and Tom Borger, Elkhart; Dr. Rick and Cindy Burns, Elkhart; Dr. Daniel and Linda Burns, Elkhart; Kathy Bollero, Elkhart; Jack and Karen Cittadine, Elkhart; Todd & Christine Cornell, Elkhart; Stan and June Disher, Edwardsburg; Craig & Connie Fulmer, Elkhart; Dr. and Mrs. James Finfrock, Elkhart; Victor and Diana Lawson, Elkhart; Tim & Robyn Loughran, Granger; Dr. Wesley Mark and Dr. Mary harder, South Bend; Dr. Philip Krause & Dr. Elizabeth Basquin-Krause, Lafayette; Progress Club, Elkhart; TaigMarks Inc., Elkhart; Warrick & Boyn, Elkhart; Robert Weed Plywood Corporation, Bristol; Dr. Terry Bryant and Dr. Liz Elliott, Elkhart; Evironmental Health Labs, South Bend; Jeff and Phid Wells, Elkhart; Bradley Vite Fine Arts, Elkhart; and Elkhart Central High School-class of 2003.
*Merit Awards this year will include the William Leighton Batten Award for Sculpture; Dick Lehman, Potter, Inc.; D&M Glass Corporation; the Elkhart Junior Women’s Club; and the Psi Ioto Xi Sorority. (This exhibition is graciously sponsored by Lake City Bank)

Bus trip to the Art Institute of Chicago
Wednesday, November 12th
The Midwest Museum will offer a pre-holiday bus excursion to Chicago. We will visit the Art Institute of Chicago and the Terra Museum of American Art. Fee: $40.00 (*Includes chartered motorcoach, exhibition entry and refreshments;lunch on your own;seating limited. Call for reservations & intinerary at 293-6660.) Fees due by October 15th.

The Artist’s Attic

Unique ODDITIES and cast-off treasures Saturday & Sunday, September 13th & 14th from 1:00pm to 4:00pm
The Midwest Museum will present a second special opportunity to purchase unique items (for a reasonable price) donated by various artists and members over the past 24 years. This fundraiser benefits the MMAA Acquisition Fund and the Eva Cole Memorial Education Fund. DON’T MISS THIS ONE!

The Imani Woodwinds, a quartet from New York City, will entertain and educate young audiences at the Midwest Museum on Friday morning, September 12th, at 10:00am. *This preformance is geared for preschool students.

More art, entertainment for good health

Activities such as going to museums, the zoo, parks, roller skating, miniature golf and attending spectator sporting events seem to go hand in hand with excellent health, according to findings. Residents in communities that spent $304 or more per resident annually in arts and recreation, according to revenue data gathered from local recreational businessess, more frequently ranked the health of the children in their families as excellent in a survey. In communities where kids were ranked least healthy, only $52 per resident per year were spent on arts, entertainment and recreation. (*reprinted from American Journal of Public Health,9/03)
Docent of the year, Joyce Cleaveland received recognition for her volunteerism and dedication to the museum’s educational touring program. Mrs. Cleaveland is a three-time recipient of this award honoring her not only for her overall number of tours led, but for her continued enthusiasm and participation in the Museum’s educational programming. Individuals interested in becoming a Docent at the Midwest Museum need no prerequisite knowledge of art–only a willingness to learn and share their knowledge with visiting groups. For more information about the Docent Program, contact museum staff at (574) 293-6660.

From the Director…
Can museum’s survive as arts’ funding take a hit? This was a recent question in an arts publication and relevant to the Midwest Museum of American Art. The article cited what has become known in the museum philanthropic circles as the “perfect storm”. This happens when foundations, corporate sponsorships, endowment income, individual philanthropy, public finding and visitor numbers all decrease while costs increase. Museums are a sector of the economy (society) that are usually very vulnerable to change in the balance of net income and net expenditure. Of course, the Midwest Museum already operates on a rather lean budget and therefore it is harder to down-scale and still be effective to our members, funders and visitors. As Director, I mention this only to make our members aware of the current pressure we are operating under and sympathetic to our basic needs. (~Jane Burns/Director)

In Memory of:
ELIZABETH ANN COMER by Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Basquin
CHARLES DINEHART by Jane Burns, Mt. & Mrs. Brian Byrn, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Courtney, Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Culp, Adah Lynn, Mr. & Mrs. David Solow and Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Zienty
MIRIAM HILEMAN by Bob & Mary Lou Stackhouse
LEE MARTIN by Dr. Howard L. Smith
EASTON McCOY by Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Basquin
HELEN PURKHISER by J.C. & Jeanne Wells
ROBERT W. SCHNUCK by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blanken, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Borneman, Jane Burns, Mr. & Mrs. Brian Byrn, Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Culp, Kappa Kappa Kappa-Gamma Associate Chapter, Isabel Kauffman, Mr. & Mrs. Keith Meade, Phyllis Warrick and Mr. & Mrs. R. Dewey Welch

In Honor of the 50th Anniversary of Wendell & Marty Culp: by Jane Burns and Brian & Lisa Byrn

In Honor of the 50th Anniversary of Bill & Millie Petersen: by Jeanne Batten, Bill & Bee Bissell, Jane Burns and Bob & Ferne Huber


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